Best Dental Clinic in Kochi

Business Name: DentiqueTheDentalStudio
Phone: +919886777019
Business Address : Near Kasaba Police Station, Chittoor Road, Kochi,682018
Country: India
State: kerala
Zip Code: 682,018

Dentique – The Dental Studio is one of the best dental clinic in Ernakulam at M.G Road. We provide a complete range of dental procedures and solutions for any dental issues you may be experiencing. Resident Dentists, Consultants, and Dental Auxiliaries make up the Dentique – The Dental Studio team. The hospital also has a patient management team that handles the very special and specific needs of patients requiring surgery as well as international patients. We are accredited by the Dental Council of India, European Orthodontic Society, Indian Dental Association, and International Association of Specialists in Aligner Orthodontics. To learn more visit our website.

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